Monday, November 24, 2008

I Hate Titles

After looking back at my previous blogs, I realized that every single one starts with "So". I guess that about sums up my level of creativity. At least I used a new word this time. This week has been busy, but thinking about it now, I really can't think of anything that I actually did, but these pictures of Jeremiah show how the younger two felt about all of my errands that we ended up running. Hopefully we have every thing we need for Thanksgiving because if not, oh well. I guess Grandma's quote is appropriate here, "good enough for who its for". So sorry kids and Glen. I really don't have anything to write about this week, so obviously I am just rambling to take up space. I did think that the pictures of Jeremiah were awfully cute though, so hopefully anyone who actually has time to read this will enjoy them if nothing else. Well that about covers it. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!! Maybe I will have something more interesting next week (assuming of course that between all of my cooking and cleaning this week I find time to take a picture or two).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Squadron Open House

So, Glen's squadron had an open house this weekend (since as you can tell it is a controlled area). It gave all the families a chances to see where their service member works. This is the first time the kids got to see Daddy's office and the jet that he works on. This was the closest we could take a picture (I had to be outside of the fence) and we could take pictures outside the jet, but we couldn't have cameras or cell phones on the jet which would mean that one of us couldn't tour the jet (which wouldn't have worked either because we had to be escorted by our service member), so this is the best that you get. The kids were very excited. The got to go through a mock briefing where Glen's commander spoke to them and showed them a power point presentation some of the things that their parents do at work. The also got to sit in the cockpit of the jet he works on and see some of the equipment he works on. They were pretty impressed. I can't believe how much room all of that stuff takes up. Doesn't leave too much room for people with it. But anyway, Glen had fun showing us around and explaining what little he was allowed (which was pretty much just this is the front of the jet and this is the back). It was really nice of the squadron to go through all of the work it took so that we were allowed in. Oh and here is a cute picture of Jeremiah. He liked to climb inside Glen's suitcase when he got back from his TDY and just sit in it. Its kind of blurry because my phone doesn't have a flash.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

No Clever Title Today

So Mom here is a picture of my new haircut. Very exciting, I know. Anyway, Glen got back from his TDY to San Antonio this weekend, and I managed to survive. Of course he has a real deployment coming up in April. That one is for 60 days. I guess I will need to find a hobby for that one because there is only so much cleaning I can do. He ended up first in the Air Force for his career field earning a "gold" medal. He was pretty excited since he didn't even try. I guess some people are just lucky like that when it comes to test taking. The kids are glad he is back. Especially since he brought them all back plushes from the Disney store. I took a picture of them. It isn't the best picture, since Jayson wanted to pout about not getting to take the picture and Ashleigh looks like she might have had her milk spiked. Its a pretty funny picture though I thought. And as usual Jeremiah wouldn't be still long enough so he got to be held in my picture. Well I don't really have anything exciting to say and most of this has just been rambling as it is. So, I guess that ends another exciting week in our house.

Monday, November 3, 2008


So Halloween was fun, and busy of course. There are always so many things for the kids to do on Military installations. They had a trick or treat the squadron, so the Jeremiah and Elly got to go see the main part of the building where Glen works, and there was of course the school parties. The BX had a costume contest and food and the kids did the bulk of their trick or treating at the different stores and kiosks there. They got so much candy that we didn't need to go any where else. They also had a haunted hospital, which the had tons of fun at. They had pinatas and bounce castles plus games and a kids haunted house. They had lots of fun carving pumpkins the night before. Well, that was about it. Glen leaves for his TDY to Lackland in the morning, so maybe I should help him pack.