This week was much better than last week. We expected the rest of the kids to get sick, but so far no one has. Maybe they are just waiting for Grandma to come visit, so she can take care of them. Jayson had his first pine wood derby this weekend. He was very excited. His Dad helped him make a pretty cool

looking car. He was pretty proud of it. Glen made sure we got there in plenty of time, so that they could add more weight if they needed to before the race started. There were 40 other boys and he ended up being 21st place, which isn't too bad. He was just happy that he wasn't last. Of course his goal for next year is to be one of the 3 boys that gets a trophy. All in all though for his first one it went pretty well. They had one of the old wooden tracks set up at the other end of the gym, so that the kids could race hot wheels down them.
Aaric and Elly thought that was
absolutely great. Even Ashleigh had fun with that, although if you ask her she is just too grown up and cool to have fun playing with such a not cool toy. Luckily it kept them entertained for a while because it took a little bit of time to get all the boys names entered into the computer. This was the most high tech pinewood derby I've ever been too. They had all of

the race info on a projector so that at the end of every heat you could see who won that grouping and what the speed was. The boys tho
ught that was awesome. Then they fed us lunch. The weather has been really nice, which has been nice for me. The kids have spent a lot of time at the

park. It is great to have one so close. It gets them out from in front of the TV for at least a little bit during the day. Hopefully the weather stays nice for a little while. I am really tired of being cold. Oh and I finally got the pictures from one of Glen's promotion ceremonies. It has Glen and Jeremiah, Elly and me all in it. Of course you can't see Elly because she is hiding behind me. When she turned around and saw that a whole room full of people where staring at us, she got a little shy and hid right behind me. That is why the Chief is laughing. They could not get her to budge. She made sure that she couldn't see anyone and that they couldn't

see her. It was

pretty funny. Well I have way more pictures this week, than I have things to say, so I guess that is it. Oh and Glen took a picture of me shooting. Not really exciting I know, but I am getting lots better. So I guess that is a good thing.
1 comment:
okay - I'm pretty retarded - I put my post on last weeks blog. LOL
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