Okay, so this was supposed to be a really cool picture. We were walking down a cordon (a bunch of guys holding swords) and we were given specific instructions that at the end of the cordon, we were supposed to stop and get a picture done. Well apparently the photographer did not get the message, so he was taking pictures when ever and of course when we stop for the picture, he doesn't take one. So, anyway, everyone is looking away, or their eyes are closed. I guess its okay, because the cordon didn't look quite as good as it should have. The swords were at different levels. This is from Glen's yearly award ceremony last week. He was nominated for Honor Guard NCO of the Year (he lost to the guy who does it for his job and not as an additional duty, go figure). So it was a big formal ceremony. We got to go out with out kids and everything. He also had his promotion ceremonies, which there are pictures of some where, but he's been a big slacker and hasn't gotten them, and I got tired of waiting for them (actually he has been sick, and in class so he hasn't had time). So when I do finally manage to get them

I guess I will post them. This picture of Jeremiah pretty much sums up our week. He is sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office. I spent almost every day at the doctors office. Between Jeremiah's 18 month check up, he lost weight, but the doctor wasn't concerned, because he is so wiggly, 4 dental appointments, Aaric's check up, and mine, that took up most of my week. To top it all off, Glen, Jeremiah and I were sick (I'm sure the rest of the kids are next). So , that was our great week. Luckily most weeks are better than that. The kids haven't been sick all that much this year, so that has been good. Well that about covers it for this week.
1 comment:
I'm not sure it's safe for me to come down if you know how to shoot - I'm not going on any hunting trips with you. It looks like Jay had a great time. The pic of Jerimiah is totally awesome! One more week...
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