I know this is a terrible picture, I don't think that my kids are capable of being still long enough for my phone (with no flash) to take a picture that isn't blurry. Anyway, Jayson completed his Wolf requirements this year, and got his award at the pack meeting last week. He was pretty excited. He worked hard to make sure that he finished everything up on time. We had a busy week, but none of the pictures are back yet. When we do, I will post about that. Kids are so funny. Elly told me the other day, Mommy, your always nice to me (which of course I thought was quite sweet),

of course she wasn't done though, she finished it off with except when I don't clean my room, than you yell at me. I just had to laugh. She comes up with some of the funniest things. The other day she was laying off the couch telling her little brother that she finally caught one, so I was like oh, you caught a cat (she was dangling Ashleigh's
Webkinz cat off the edge of the couch by its tail). She told me No, Mommy, cats don't like water, but I caught a catfish. I thought that was pretty good. She is a funny kid. I just thought that I

would mention that Ashleigh was tested and placed into a gifted program. She has been evaluated and recommended for gifted programs since she was in 1st grade, but we keep moving and so nothing has happened. Last year her teacher nominated her, and this year she was tested, she met the requirements and was placed in the program. She was pretty excited. She gets to stay in her regular class, with just a few hours out of class a month, they coordinate with her class room teacher and made her work a bit more challenging. When I was
reading the things that differentiate between bright and gifted one of the things that was mentioned was that gifted kids tend to be a little messy. We got a good laugh out of that because she is our
cluttery child. Her teachers always comment on

what a mess her desk is. We like to give her a hard time about her messy room. So now that I bragged about her a little bit (you have to remember that this will become a scrap book for me one day, so I will have to bore everyone else with all of the things that a parent thinks is really exciting). Every time we go to get in the car or go in the house from the car, Jeremiah goes and climbs into the kids power wheel (which has been in the back of the garage because it is

winter) and will not leave it with out a fight, so I decided that I was tired of fighting him, and so I brought the stupid thing into the living room and he was so excited about it. It kept him entertained for days. We ended up getting a couple of inches of snow and let him and
Aaric and Elly take it out into the yard and drive it in the snow. They made sure to bring the shovel so that if they got stuck they could dig themselves out. I'm not sure how that turned out for them, I was inside. I hate snow. It is way too cold, I can't wait until spring. Well I have run out of things to say, which is pretty amazing in itself, I've done a lot of rambling. When I am writing these posts, I feel like if I have more pictures, I have to find more to say so that it isn't just 5 words and a bunch of pictures. The problem with that is that I never can really think of anything to say, so, I guess that is

about it. Oh good news though if you saw my targets from last week, I went shooting again today, and I have improved quite a bit. I actually hit the target 50% of the time (yes I know that is still failing), which I was very proud of. I even

loaded the magazine all by myself. Just thought I would throw that out there.