Jayson turned nine this weekend. We had a party for him and he got to invite some friends over and have snacks, cake and presents. He had 3 other boys show up, which ended up being a great number because they could play video games, and I didn't have to go crazy. They watched Scooby-Doo and had snacks while they waited for everyone to show up. It was funny to watch the boys. Jayson got a really cool electronic keep away game. It has hand bands that are different colors and sensors in them so that the ball can tell which color band you have on your hand. The ball tells you which color band to keep away from and counts how many passes you get during like 30 seconds or something. Glen took them out and taught them how to play. The boys had a good

time playing that outside for a little bit, but it was kind of cold still so that only lasted so long. Jayson also had a blast last week spending his birthday money that Aunt Becki sent him. He had so many things that he wanted to get, but he had to decide which toy he wanted most. I think we ended up going to about 4 different stores where he looked at every game, toy, and book that each store had to offer. He finally ended up deciding on a video game. I was a mean mom and wouldn't let him have it until his birthday. I wrapped it up and made him open it. So he has been having a good time playing with

that this weekend. We also bought him a Grow-a-Girlfriend. He was a little embarrassed about it. He saw it in the box with one of his other presents and tried to hide it, but one of his friends saw it and pulled it out. He was like this is mine, I need this. So anyway the little boy ended up taking it home with him. He showed his dad when he came to pick him up and his dad just started cracking up. I told him I could tell he had older brothers. Of course before it went home with the other little boy, I walked in to the living room to see Jeremiah walking around with it. It was too funny.

Jeremiah has started to copy the boys (big surprise). He was trying to chase Aaric around the house on Sunday. He was going around through the kitchen and through the hall and living room. After we put the kids to bed, he was still pretty wound up. We were trying to watch a movie (so of course he had to be as noisy as possible) and he was just running and being a monster. We ended up just recording him, because it was pretty funny, so I am going to try to post it and see if it works. I went shooting for the first time today. I was completely terrified. I tried to load it, but I have never loaded a gun, so I was afraid I was doing it all wrong, and Glen was in the observation room with the kids. I ended up having to put everything back in the case taking it out to him, having him take it to the range and load it for me so I could shoot it. So anyway here is a picture of my target after I finished . I had 10 rounds in the clip, only 3 hit the target. I guess I need a little more practice. I'm not very good. All of the other guys in the range
were just snickering. Oh and I j

umped every time someone else shot. Glen was just cracking up at me. I felt like a complete idiot. Glen of course knows what he is doing and all of his shots hit the target. I didn't take a picture of his target, but I did take one of him shooting (he is the tall guy in the gray sweatshirt). Well that is about all that we did that is worth mentioning. I have to try and write a lot, because I always have way more pictures, than I have to say. So anyway, Kyler, my blog is way cooler than yours. =)
1 comment:
Hey, I had to take a second look - Jayson was actually smiling!
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