Well, we had a busy week, not really doing anything in particular, but we sure seemed to be gone a lot. We made Rice
Krispie treats with the kids. Jeremiah couldn't help, but he had fun playing peek-a-boo with those of us in the kitchen. That was made for our super exciting family home evening this past week. We made a wall out of the rice
krispie treats and threw

M&M's at it like they did to Samuel. The kids keep asking when we get to do it again. We gave them each a special task for helping with the treats so it didn't become complete chaos in our tiny kitchen. Elly got to put the marshmallows in the pan, Ashleigh was in charge of the actual Rice

Jayson got all of the pans ready and greased, and
Aaric got the butter out, ready and in the pan. They each thought they had the most important job for making the rice
krispies. (If you can't tell I'm trying to stretch out the words so that there is some to go with the pictures)

Oh and Glen said I don't put enough pictures of myself on here, so here is another terrible picture of me. So it's almost Valentine's Day. The kids have all of their parties on
Wednesday. They are of course excited. This holiday is Ashleigh's. There are 3 holiday parties each year, and I have 3 kids in elementary school, so they each get to pick a holiday and I spend half of the party time in that class room. I divide the last half between the remaining 2, so that way we make it to each of the classes, but each kids gets to have us

spend a little extra time in their class. Its a bit busy, but I guess that is
OK. I'm sure I only have a few years left until they think that they are too cool for a mom. They all ready won't
give me a hug when they leave for school anymore. I suppose the extra work is worth it since little kids just don't stay little and like their parents forever. So anyway, the kids had a blast getting their valentines ready for the parties. Some of them had to have them in early. They only have an

hour for the party and the 1st graders seem to have a hard time getting the Valentines delivered and having time left to do anything else.
Aaric's class decided to make the boxes for their Valentines early and spend a short time each morning delivering them in the mornings before class and spending the party time opening them and having treats. Anyway other than that, we used our tax return to get a TV (its nice to have a TV that turns back on if it gets turned off) and a

The kids have been having a blast with it. They love the fit and spend a little time in the evenings doing that. I wish my camera did video because watching Jayson try to hula hoop on that things was the funniest thing I have ever seen. And Elly trying to do Aerobics on it was a riot. Right now she is trying to hula hoop and can't figure it out. These kids crack me up. I guess its probably a good thing that they can't see how they look (and the same goes for me and Glen too!!!!!),

because than they would be too
embarrassed to actually do the exercises. Well I ran out of things to say a long time ago and Jeremiah is emptying all of my socks on the floor, so I guess I better go.
1 comment:
hey, you have some cute pics on this blog. That one with jeremiah playing peek a boo is great. Is the buffalo xing new???? I had a good laugh when I saw that. Where did you find it? Mom
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