We actually did stuff this week. We took the kids down to Island Grove to see some friends show their cows. The kids haven't really seen cows too much, so the were pretty interested for the first little bit. They got to pet one of the cows, so they thought that was pretty cool. Jeremiah absolutely loves animals, and he was just so excited to get to pet the cow. I have pictures from
Aaric's birthday t
oo. He turned 7 last week, and we had a birthday party for him. He thought it was super exciting. He finally got his own MP3 player, and was so glad that he is finally old enough to

have one of his own. He has been asking for one since Ashleigh got hers. He had most of his cousins over so we got a picture of them when they were over. We took the kids to the park today, and they had so much fun. All they did was play in the sand, they were so dirty w

hen we got home, that they had to get another bath. They
buried each other and built castles. Elly's favorite thing to do was to destroy everything, so the other kids, finally gave up

trying to build elaborate castles and started building mountains for her to destroy instead. She had a great time running around and stomping out

all of them. We have been trying to go swimming since we have been here, but for being summer we have not had weather good enough to go yet. Maybe this next week we will make it. Glen's re enlistment was this week. I have pictures, but they are too blurry. He also got to go into Doha this week. He went to a mall, and got to go out to dinner. He was very happy to eat something besides chow hall food. He comes home in 9 days, so that is also exciting. We are down to single digits finally.

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