School is out, and we decided to go visit family while Glen is gone. Jeremiah found a permanent marker and decided he wanted to look like a cat. My mom said he looks more like a zebra, than a cat, but he was very proud of himself. Of course 2 minutes after I got him all cleaned up he found another marker and did it all over again. We took the kids to the funplex, and they had a blast. Except Jerem

iah. He took a nap during it, which was OK because I forgot to pack a swim suit, so all I could do was watch. Well not too much else going on. We have just been hanging out and making a lot of trips to the airport. We are down to 3 more weeks before Glen comes home. I guess their thermometer was 141 F this afternoon. He is going to get hypothermia when he does come home. I thought that 90 was pretty warm. Every since we got to Colorado though, it

has been overcast and raining. The poor kids, I didn't bring them anything but shorts and tank tops. I mean after all it is about to be June. None of the pictures are all that great, I took them all with my cell phone. Maybe some day I will pull my real camera out of my suitcase, and take some pictures that aren't blurry. Anyway, that is about it for this week.

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