This was my week of failed plans. Everything that we tried to do, ended up not working. I have a whole list of things that need to be done, and very few of them ended up getting crossed off. The most important ones were accomplished at least. It must be contagious because Glen's trip into town was cancelled. It was too full, so he doesn't get to go. He did have a friend volunteer to take him into tow

n sometime soon. Hopefully he will take his camera, so that I will have a few pictures to post. I am, of course, being optimistic, since most of what I have seen from over there is really not much to look at. And even now, I was almost done and ready to post this and somehow I managed to highlight everything and delete everything I had written. So starting over, I tried to take the kids to the annual Armed Forces Day kids race. I had them registered a month ago, and knew the location, date and time. So we showed up and there was no one there. I checked my conformation email to verify that I did in fact have the right date, time and location, and I did, so we kept checking back at regular intervals for the next hour. After an

hour we gave up and went home (where that evening looking for soccer clubs I found out that they moved the time up 2 hours). The kids were very disappointed, even though a month ago when I informed them of the race, and that they were participating, I was met with groan, and complaints (most loudly coming from Ashleigh of course). At some unknown point during this past month, they had gotten very excited about it, and were not very happy when we finally decided that it had been cancelled. So home we went where they proceeded to play video games (since it was unusually cold and wet for the middle of May). My boys have discovered their Dad's game Halo Wars, and would spend every waking moment playing that if I would let them. They have been having a blast. Jayson looks like the typical boy lounging around the couch in his boxers playing video games. He reminds me of my brothers, although at least he isn't wearing a wife beater (yes, I am talking about you Kyler), although I must be honest and a

dmit that he does own one or two. So since we didn't do anything particularly fun this weekend, I had to get pictures of the kids doing other things, which really wasn't too difficult because these kids are just funny. They always have the funniest expressions. I was going to try to take Elly to the zoo today, but we ran out of time, I had last minute errands before we leave, and I did make time to go running since I was a HUGE slacker last week and I didn't go on Thursday or Friday. I never miss that many days. It has been nice having such good weather to go running in. I was starting to get sick of the gym. Tomorrow I was going to try to take her to the park, but found out that I had singed up for field day 2 months ago, so I guess that is out too. That should be an adventure. I did get a chance to go to Goodwill today. Glen's mom sent me some money for Mother's Day (which was really nice) and so I decided since I have read every single book I own, that I would use it to go buy some new (used) books. I could buy

far more books paying a dollar than paying 6 for them new. So now I have something to do while I am all by myself in Colorado waiting for my family to come back from Washington (I really thought I was the favorite daughter, I guess I was wrong). I suppose I could stay here, but that sure wouldn't be any more exciting. I had Elly's meeting for preschool. We got the paperwork all filled out, and she has been accepted into the program. She is so excited. She asks me every day how many more days until school starts. I have to keep telling her that there are quite a few, since the school year hasn't quite ended yet. The kids still have 3 more days left. I bought my first thing off of Craigslist. I had no idea what the heck I was doing, but I managed. Our washing machine broke this past week, and with 5 kids, I was getting behind on laundry really fast. I was just going to go to the

laundry mat, but that gets expensive, and I just really did not feel like taking 5 kids with me. So, I decided to check out Craigslist. I managed to find a washing machine for $35, and it even works. I figure I would have paid at least that much to wash everything at the laundry mat. So I was just all kinds of thrifty this week. I bought something off of Craigslist, and Goodwill. So that was about all of the excitement for our week. We have 4 more weeks until Glen gets back. That still seems like such a long time. I guess that is life with the military. We still haven't heard back about Glen's re enlistment, but we should know any day now. It will be nice to know for sure.