We survived our first week of Glen's deployment. Now we only have 8 more to go. Some how that just doesn't seem very comforting, but such is life in the military.

For the most part the kids have done relatively well, they have each had a one day were they had a really hard time, but after they made it through that, they have done fairly well. Skype is a life saver. The kids don't talk much, but they each like to be able to wander by when their Dad is online and say hi. Just being able to see him and say hi, has seemed to be enough. Of course they love the emails also. Now if only we can get Ashleigh to reply to an email properly. Half the time you think she just sent you the email you just sent her, but apparently you have to search the email, because she just picks a random spot and starts typing. I guess I will have to show her how it

works. This weekend we went to the Omaha Children's Museum. The kids had a great time. They love that place. They have a big science area, that explains a lot of physics, and they love the interactive experiments that they have there. They also love the big house that they have

and the grocery store. I think they ended up playing in the store for about an hour and a half, and still I had to drag them out of there so we could go home. I let Jeremiah walk, which made it really difficult to

hang on to him and take pictures. There were a lot of people there. Glen sent us a picture of his room over in Qatar, its pretty small, but he is one of the lucky ones, that gets a room to himself. He hasn't sent us any oth

er pictures, but if he gets any more maybe I will post them. Anyway, that is about all that is happening here.
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