I took the younger two kids

to the zoo today. I don't think we will ever get tired of going to this zoo. Especially not Elly. She absolutely loves monkeys, and they wander around every where in the rain forest. She got to see them up close again, and although it was very difficult for her, she actually refrained from touching them this time. You probably can't see it, but she was eating a sandwich, and I think the monkey's wanted a bite. They followed her everywhere. She

thought it was the best thing ever. Every time I tried to take a picture she stuck her head in, so I have tons of pictures of her this week, and not many of anyone else. She has started doing this goofy smile, and when she would smile, she looks more like she is scared than smiling. So I ended up with some completely ridiculous pictures of her, but I also ended up with some cute ones. It rained the whole time we were at the zoo, and when we got in the car to drive home, it finally stopped, but we had fun anyway. The kids didn't even seem to notice the rain until we got in the car and they were all wet. Elly fell asleep with her pants pulled up to her knees, which was a sight to see as well, but I was driving and couldn't use the camera. (And lets just pretend that she matches) The rest of the kids were happy to just play video games all weekend, and so like a bad mom, I let them play as much as they wanted. It kept them happy, my house clean, and everyone sane. They played outside almost everyday during of the week. I even bought a helmet for Jeremiah, so that Elly and I could go for bike rides after the gym and Jeremiah could ride in the infant seat on the back of mine. The weather was super nice, it was in the

80's for half the week, but by the time the weekend got here, it just stormed. They were disappointed that they couldn't go play, so they played video games. Hopefully this weekend we will actually get out and do something. So, I guess we made it through week two of Glen's deployment. Yes, I know those who's husbands deploy more often, that it is kind of ridiculous for me to count down every week that he is gone, but even t

hough it may make it seem longer, I do the same thing every time I run. Instead of trying to distract myself I stare, completely fixated on the timer on the treadmill. I do however at least have the sensibility to break it down into small milestones, so that at least I feel like I am achieving something. I'm pretty sure that I am just nuts though, so I guess that is explanation enough. Anyway back to the whole deployment thing (I got a little side tracked), this week went much smoother than the first. The first week was very chaotic, but we seem to have settled down into our own little routine, and it seems to work. I do still have kids telling me that they miss their daddy. We set Aaric up his own email, so that he

can email daddy too, but I'm not sure he even remembered

he has it because he has yet to check it. I'm also going to post a picture that Glen sent me. He took a picture of some of the soda cans that they have over there. On one side is English, and on the other side it is written in some form of Arabic (that may not be accurate, or politically correct, so, Michaela if you, or Phil can

correct me I won't be offended, I just don't know). Anyway, now that I have rambled on forever about absolutely nothing and have displayed exactly how crazy I am to anyone who actually reads this, I will go. Oh, yes, I almost forgot, 7 weeks to go.