So this week has been really long. Glen went to 12 hour shifts for the week, which sounds OK except that it is at night. So he comes home goes to bed and is up (kind of) for about 2 1/2 hours before he goes back to work. I guess it is just prep for when he deploys. I'll get to do everything on my own then too. So I had a friend tell me that it was kind of depressing to read peoples blogs because they only have good things on them (kind of like the brag letters everyone send out at the end of the year). So I have been thinking about that this past week, and I have noticed that during the week I look for things to put in my blog

(so at least it isn't quite so lame), which helps to remember how cute some of the things the kids do. Sometimes I get so caught up in everything that needs to be done and how much work some of the ages are (like 3) and then of course Jere

miah making a mess faster than I can get things cleaned up, that I forget how fast it goes by. So it seems to give me a better perspective when my kids do crazy things, I can think wow what was that and see the humor in it. Which is why I love the idea of having my blog made into a scrap book (another great idea that is not mine, good thing your around Paula), so I look a little closer for "blog worthy" things can go in. Of course my blogs are kind of sarcastic and I'm not sure my posterity will be all that thrilled to read them. They might just think I am a total nutcase, which they would probably be right about. So now for my actual blog entry. We had Ashleigh's 10th birthday party this weekend.

She had about 7 other girls over for snacks and cake and ice cream. They watched Scooby Doo (thanks to Netflix instant view) while they were waiting for everyone to show up and had snacks, then she had cake and ice cream and presents. The girls were so excited for her to see what they got. Most of them had to tell me first. She ended up getting 3 more webkinz, so they had fun adding her new pets and then showing each other their rooms and stuff on the website. Glen and I got her an MP3 player, that just happens to look exactly like an Ipod nano. The only way you can tell the difference is that the wheel doesn't turn, so her friends thought she was sooooo cool (I think hat was her favorite part)

and a docking station to go with it (of course we didn't spend all that much on it since it is for a 10 year old). She has loved that MP3 player.

Everywhere we go she has that thing. She looks like a mini teenager with her head phones on while we are at the grocery store. She even remembers to charge every night before bed. For family home evening we tried to make "Stripling Warrior Taffy" . We made everything according to directions and Glen and the kids, (and me) tried pulling it. We were able to pull it some, but in the end we didn't end up with taffy. It was more like soft hard candy. The kids had a blast with it and it ended up tasting pretty good, but it certainly wasn't what we were trying to make. Most of the recipes have turned out

really good, and I love the lessons, but this one was not one of them. At least it still tasted good.

We had to take Jeremiah to the doctor this week. He had another ear infection, which of course meant a night or two of no sleep before we realized what it was. He also has this weird rash in a line from his ankle all the was up to his back. The acute care clinic had never seen anything like it before and referred us to dermatology sooner rather than later, so I better go and make the appointment. And he just told me stink and brought me the wipes.
1 comment:
Hey! Hope you don't mind me taking a peek at your blog- it took me awhile to remember what it was... :) You guys have so much fun! :) And it's not really THAT depressing to read other's blogs, it's just I have to remind myself that people don't want everyone to know everything about them and besides, it's more fun to write about the cute fun things you do. ;) Hahaha!!
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