Monday, January 26, 2009

I Wish I Had A Creative Title

We didn't really do anything this week, so our highlight was family home evening. We made cards, and played a Scooby-Doo game. Glen also came home with a push up game that they do at work, which he modified for the kids. He took a deck of Uno cards and had each kid draw a card. They had to do the amount of push ups on the card. Special cards were 10 and Wild cards were 20. Surprisingly enough, the kids had a blast. We ended up switching to sit ups and killer jack rabbits part way through the deck (except for Jayson who loves to do push ups). The kids thought it was great and it got a little bit of their wiggles out. I'm sure they will feel it tomorrow. Ashleigh and Jayson have gym in the morning, hopefully they don't have to do push ups then as well. Aside from that, it was pretty much just our busy life as usual. Unless, of course, you count being late for church on Sunday because my wonderful kids decided to empty all of our textbooks, novels and other random books off the book case, plus all of the bedding from all 5 beds into Aaric's room. We couldn't even open the door. This, naturally, had to happen right before we were supposed to leave for church, so we ended up missing most of sacrament meeting. I guess it is a good thing these kids are so darn cute. If I didn't have to play the piano, I would have put them all to bed and just stayed home. Anyway, I really don't have anything exciting to say. So I guess I will just go now. Maybe next week we will actually do something worth writing about. I did get a few good pictures from family home evening though. Ashleigh is doing sit ups, Jayson is doing diamond push ups, and Elly is doing killer jack rabbits. Aaric was just hanging out on the couch waiting for his turn, and Jeremiah was coloring for the first time (he didn't even eat the crayons, I was impressed!!!).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Week

So this week has been really long. Glen went to 12 hour shifts for the week, which sounds OK except that it is at night. So he comes home goes to bed and is up (kind of) for about 2 1/2 hours before he goes back to work. I guess it is just prep for when he deploys. I'll get to do everything on my own then too. So I had a friend tell me that it was kind of depressing to read peoples blogs because they only have good things on them (kind of like the brag letters everyone send out at the end of the year). So I have been thinking about that this past week, and I have noticed that during the week I look for things to put in my blog (so at least it isn't quite so lame), which helps to remember how cute some of the things the kids do. Sometimes I get so caught up in everything that needs to be done and how much work some of the ages are (like 3) and then of course Jeremiah making a mess faster than I can get things cleaned up, that I forget how fast it goes by. So it seems to give me a better perspective when my kids do crazy things, I can think wow what was that and see the humor in it. Which is why I love the idea of having my blog made into a scrap book (another great idea that is not mine, good thing your around Paula), so I look a little closer for "blog worthy" things can go in. Of course my blogs are kind of sarcastic and I'm not sure my posterity will be all that thrilled to read them. They might just think I am a total nutcase, which they would probably be right about. So now for my actual blog entry. We had Ashleigh's 10th birthday party this weekend. She had about 7 other girls over for snacks and cake and ice cream. They watched Scooby Doo (thanks to Netflix instant view) while they were waiting for everyone to show up and had snacks, then she had cake and ice cream and presents. The girls were so excited for her to see what they got. Most of them had to tell me first. She ended up getting 3 more webkinz, so they had fun adding her new pets and then showing each other their rooms and stuff on the website. Glen and I got her an MP3 player, that just happens to look exactly like an Ipod nano. The only way you can tell the difference is that the wheel doesn't turn, so her friends thought she was sooooo cool (I think hat was her favorite part) and a docking station to go with it (of course we didn't spend all that much on it since it is for a 10 year old). She has loved that MP3 player. Everywhere we go she has that thing. She looks like a mini teenager with her head phones on while we are at the grocery store. She even remembers to charge every night before bed. For family home evening we tried to make "Stripling Warrior Taffy" . We made everything according to directions and Glen and the kids, (and me) tried pulling it. We were able to pull it some, but in the end we didn't end up with taffy. It was more like soft hard candy. The kids had a blast with it and it ended up tasting pretty good, but it certainly wasn't what we were trying to make. Most of the recipes have turned out really good, and I love the lessons, but this one was not one of them. At least it still tasted good. We had to take Jeremiah to the doctor this week. He had another ear infection, which of course meant a night or two of no sleep before we realized what it was. He also has this weird rash in a line from his ankle all the was up to his back. The acute care clinic had never seen anything like it before and referred us to dermatology sooner rather than later, so I better go and make the appointment. And he just told me stink and brought me the wipes.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Again with the Title

Well, I am not very original with titles, as looking at my past post would prove. I can never think of anything clever, but if I leave it blank it just says untitled. So, I opt for titles that are just as lame, but at least aren't titled "untitled". This week was a pretty eventful, which I guess is to be expected when there are 5 kids in the house. Since Christmas we have been trying to decide the best use of the present from my Grandpa, we opted to go to dinner at Red Robin, I mean who doesn't like food. Besides with 5 kids it isn't very often we eat out, and when we do it is usually
fast food, so it was nice to go somewhere that has real menus and servers. Plus it is nice and noisy in there so no one really noticed how noisy my kids where. As soon as we got home the kids were like we need to write him a thank you note, that was lots of fun!!! So at least I have grateful kids, even if they are noisy. The pictures are a little blurry because my phone doesn't have a flash on it. Saturday, we were on our way to a primary activity, a meet and greet for the kids to meet their new teachers for the year. The bishopric even made the pancakes. I didn't have to put the work into it, but I thought it was nice and the kids had a great time. Of course getting to it couldn't be uneventful. It snowed the night before, and on our way to the church, the road got really bumpy (at least that was what we thought), and then our tire light came on. Anyway, we got to change a tire in the snow on the side of the highway, and of course the tire is completely destroyed because we drove on it for a little while. At least the rim is still good. We couldn't find the handle to the jack so Glen got to try use the jack with a screwdriver that was too big for the hole. Of course while I was putting the bad tire into the back of the car I saw that the jack handle was attached to the panel that he had to remove to get the jack and lug nut wrench out of the back. So at least he had the handle to lower the the car. He felt pretty smart, and he will be soooooo excited that I posted it for everyone to read about. I guess that is what happens when your not the one writing the blog. Ashleigh turned 10 on Sunday. We made a batch of cookies and put the candle in it, since we aren't actually having her party until next weekend. So, she got that and a kitkat bar. So anyway, Primary does spotlight for the kids every week and because it is the beginning of the year, I got to help Elly and Aaric fill theirs out. They were pretty cute. So I was going to put down some of the favorites, because Paula put her daughter's on their blog and I thought it was cute. Besides everyone knows I'm not really creative enough to come up with something like that on my own.
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Least Fav Food: Onions
Favorite Dessert: Cake and Ice cream
Favorite Drink: Dr Pepper (very Mormon of him, I know)
Special Talent: Soccer and Kickball
Favorite Hobby: Hot wheels, Skateboard and riding bikes
Favorite Holiday: Valentines Day (although I think this changes to coincide with every holiday)
Favorite Subject: Math
Least Fav Subject: Writing (because he has to sit still)
Favorite Movie/TV show: Wall-e/Scooby-Doo
Favorite Animal: Dinosaur (Triceratops)
Want to be when grows up: Military Police
Fav Primary Song: Once there was a Snowman
Favorite Color: Purple Favorite Food: Bell Peppers and Mashed Potatoes (not together)
Least Fav Food: Hot Peppers
Favorite Dessert: Popcorn
Favorite Drink: Water and Apple Cranberry Juice
Special Talent: Singing
Favorite Hobby: Dress Up
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite Animal: Monkey
Favorite Primary Song: Wise Man and the Foolish Man

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas and New Year

We went back to Colorado for Christmas this year. Not that it is too surprising, since we have gone back every year that Glen has been in the Air Force. Obviously some of us were more excited to be up when it was still dark out Christmas morning that others. Glen was the lucky one who got to be sick Christmas morning. The first week that we were there everyone ended up getting sick (except me). The kids did a lot of laying around and sleeping that first week. That was of course great fun. Actually the calm sleeping kids wasn't too bad. It was the rest of it that was perfectly awful. Elly everyday for about 2 weeks before we left asked if today was the day we got to go see Grandma Ellura. The kids had a great time seeing their cousins and Aunts and Uncles. They were super excited to spend New Year's Eve there. It just isn't the same when we are home by ourselves for that. Maybe it would be a little more exciting if we actually had friends, but I guess that is life when you are weird like we are. I keep thinking maybe we will meet other people that are just a strange as we are, but I'm pretty sure there isn't. Jeremiah had a terrific time getting into a new cabinet. He loves to pull everything out of them. Even with child latches on mine he still manages to squeeze his little arm in and empty out my oatmeal and rice all over the kitchen floor. He loved the cabinet at my parents especially since we couldn't find a way to make it child proof. Those spinning ones just don't work with latches. We even tried putting the trash can in front of it, which didn't work because he would just empty that and then move it so that he could get into the cabinet. Its a good thing he is so darn cute. I do like his evil little smile in this picture, it is quite fitting. No wonder the kids like visiting their Grandma, she is just as crazy as they are. Elly was very excited about the Burger King crown, of course she didn't want to wear it. She usually makes me wear it, but with Grandma there I was off the hook this time. Jeremiah's little head didn't fit so well in the crown, but he didn't seem to care. And here is a cute picture of Joshua at his first Christmas. He got all kinds of toys. I think he was more excited about the wrapping paper than he was the toys. That is probably why he loved that crinkly book. It sounds just like wrapping paper. Well, now that I have rambled on forever, I suppose I will go. I really never have much to say.