This weekend we took the kids to see the gingerbread display that they had at the Mormon Trail Center. The kids had a pretty good time. The display was much larger than I had expected. They had a scavenger hunt for the kids, where they had to find different things in the displays.

We also went over to see the Winter Quarters temple grounds. That was pretty much the only thing that we did this week. Glen

switched to nights, so he and the kids have been trying to adjust to the new shift. They have to be quite for a few hours after they get home from school. They of course forget, but luckily Glen is a pretty sound sleeper and doesn't wake up too much (or else he just knows that we are trying, and doesn't want us to feel bad, who knows). The kids are super excited to go back to Colorado to see

their cousins and grandparents. Well that's about the only exciting thing we did this week. Mostly we have just been busy getting ready for Christmas and our trip. So anyway I guess that is about it. It sure feels like I do a whole lot more during the week, but then when I go to write about it, I realize how not exciting it was.

Kyler this last picture is for you. It's kind of hard to read, but it says Buffalo St.
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