So, I have been a big slacker lately and haven't been updating this. But in my own defense it has been rather chaotic, trying to get the kids ready for school, get a schedule going and get everyone dropped off and find time for my workout. I am very excited that I am over halfway done with my half marathon training, although it takes up every free moment I have. This is of course taking up time I don't have, I guess dishes will have to wait. The kids got to go back to school this week. They are so excited to be able to see their friends again, and probably to get away from me for a little bit. They were starting to get a

little bored. Elly had her first day of Pre-School today. She was so excited. I was worried that she was going to be a little bit shy. When we went to her open house last night, she hid behind me the whole time and wouldn't talk to her teachers. Dropping her off went well though. She wasn't shy or nervous at all. Her teachers told her to stand against the wall in a line, and she would not leave her spot (even to give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses) until the teacher had the line start walking to class. Her baby brother was so upset to leave her. I think he had a harder time with it than Glen or I did. He doesn't know what to do without her around. I am sure he will figure it out though. They can be so sweet with each other, and sometimes, they can be so mean to each other. I guess that means that I get a few hours of peace in the afternoon, I'm not going to know

what to do with myself.