This week we really didn't do much. Just enjoyed being home and not having to go anywhere. We did take the kids to an Ice Cream Safari at the zoo, which they loved. They had all you can eat ice cream and then little stands that had different milk related things at them. One of them was fun with milk where they had a bunch of little recipes for milk. One of them was peanut butter and chocolate syrup added to milk, and Elly tried the orangutan punch (since if you know Elly she loves monkeys) it was orange jello and chocolate syrup (sounds really disgusting to me but she loved it). Then they had a milk mustache stand where they would

paint a milk moustache on you and take your picture. I'm sure I will post that when I get around to scanning it into my computer. We of course were too late and they ran out of the moustache paint, but they still got to get their picture taken. I found a few random pictures from Washington that Coreen took. I thought that they were pretty funny so I decided to post them. One day when the kids were bored they decided to put on Coreen and Tracy's life jackets, grabbed the oars and started jousting through the sprinkler with them. Surprisingly none of our emergency room visits were related to this, although I was sure there would be one. I also found one that Coreen took with the kids doing push ups. She thought that was the funniest thing ever. When the

kids get in trouble Glen has them do push ups as a punishment. Elly still has not mastered the proper way to do a push up although she is improving. I must say that with some of the days we have, I am going to have the strongest kids on the block (can you tell that we are a
military family). Anyway that is about it for this week.