Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So I guess it has been 2 months since I have updated this stupid thing, I thought that once the kids were back in school, that I would finally have some time. No such luck though. Between dropping and picking up kids, I just don't really have a lot of spare time. With 2 different times to be back and forth, it takes up a lot of my day. The kids had a blast for Halloween. They were very excited that Grandma came out to visit them. I do love being part of a military community, there is always so much stuff available to do (and most of it is free).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


This weekend was the annual air show. Jeremiah was the happiest kid in the world. He was so excited to see all of the airplanes. The day before we got to watch the Blue Angels practice from our yard. The kids had a blast. They love touring the planes. We went and checked out the Air Force booth and to get the little prizes that they had, the kids had to do as many push ups as they were old. My kids of course thought it was no big deal. Aaric was like "I only have to do 7?" I thought that once the kids got back to school, that I would have some free time, but that hasn't happened yet. Well that is about all for this week.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to School

So, I have been a big slacker lately and haven't been updating this. But in my own defense it has been rather chaotic, trying to get the kids ready for school, get a schedule going and get everyone dropped off and find time for my workout. I am very excited that I am over halfway done with my half marathon training, although it takes up every free moment I have. This is of course taking up time I don't have, I guess dishes will have to wait. The kids got to go back to school this week. They are so excited to be able to see their friends again, and probably to get away from me for a little bit. They were starting to get a
little bored. Elly had her first day of Pre-School today. She was so excited. I was worried that she was going to be a little bit shy. When we went to her open house last night, she hid behind me the whole time and wouldn't talk to her teachers. Dropping her off went well though. She wasn't shy or nervous at all. Her teachers told her to stand against the wall in a line, and she would not leave her spot (even to give mommy and daddy hugs and kisses) until the teacher had the line start walking to class. Her baby brother was so upset to leave her. I think he had a harder time with it than Glen or I did. He doesn't know what to do without her around. I am sure he will figure it out though. They can be so sweet with each other, and sometimes, they can be so mean to each other. I guess that means that I get a few hours of peace in the afternoon, I'm not going to know
what to do with myself.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This Week

This week we really didn't do much. Just enjoyed being home and not having to go anywhere. We did take the kids to an Ice Cream Safari at the zoo, which they loved. They had all you can eat ice cream and then little stands that had different milk related things at them. One of them was fun with milk where they had a bunch of little recipes for milk. One of them was peanut butter and chocolate syrup added to milk, and Elly tried the orangutan punch (since if you know Elly she loves monkeys) it was orange jello and chocolate syrup (sounds really disgusting to me but she loved it). Then they had a milk mustache stand where they would
paint a milk moustache on you and take your picture. I'm sure I will post that when I get around to scanning it into my computer. We of course were too late and they ran out of the moustache paint, but they still got to get their picture taken. I found a few random pictures from Washington that Coreen took. I thought that they were pretty funny so I decided to post them. One day when the kids were bored they decided to put on Coreen and Tracy's life jackets, grabbed the oars and started jousting through the sprinkler with them. Surprisingly none of our emergency room visits were related to this, although I was sure there would be one. I also found one that Coreen took with the kids doing push ups. She thought that was the funniest thing ever. When the
kids get in trouble Glen has them do push ups as a punishment. Elly still has not mastered the proper way to do a push up although she is improving. I must say that with some of the days we have, I am going to have the strongest kids on the block (can you tell that we are a
military family). Anyway that is about it for this week.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Finally Updated This!!!!!

Well it has been forever since I have updated my blog. We have been a little busy this summer. Glen finally got home (which was
when I stopped updating this thing) and than we went to Washington (Coreen is too cheap
for Internet) and so now we are back home, and life is getting back to normal. We had a blast in Washington. We could have stayed forever, but somebody had to go back to work. I think that if they deploy, that they should get equal time off afterwards. Of course the military does not see things my way, so back to work he went. Our schedule is still a mess, the kids have a hard time going to sleep at night still, but
on the upside they are sleeping in until 8 or 8:30 which is good, except that by the time they are ready to go it is quite warm outside. I have started training for another half marathon that is this fall.
Thankfully Glen makes sure that the bikes are all in good working condition for me, so that the kids can hop on their bikes and ride along with me a couple of days a week. Yes, I am sure that it is quite a sight to see me trying to run with 3 kids on bikes and 2 in a stroller, but after about 6 years of attempting to do
anything, I have come to the conclusion that if I am going to accomplish anything, I better find a way to do it with kids in tow.
On the upside, after training with me last year and getting up to 5 miles before they got to go back to school, when I told them that it was only 3.5 miles the next 2 weeks, they thought that was great that it was such a short distance. Anyway, back to our vacation, it was great to see my family. It has been about 3 years since we have gotten to see my Aunt and Uncle and Grandma and Grandpa. I also got to see my niece finally. Roxanne is just a doll. I did make sure not to hold her too much because her parents can barely
stand to part with her long enough for anyone else to hold her. They are so
cute with her. Anyway, it was tons of fun to see my Grandpa, I always love hearing about his time in the Navy and about when they were younger. We also had a great time seeing Aunt Becki, Uncle Ron and Grandma. It is so much fun to go hang out at Manchester State Park and BBQ, it is just always so much fun to see everyone. We got to spend a day and go up camping
and hiking with Coreen and Tracy. They even managed to make it through the whole night with Roxanne, for her first camping trip. Maybe someday we will get stationed up there so that we can go hike all of the cool places that are up there. Right now we
are stuck in Nebraska which to the best of my knowledge has no place to go hiking, but if there is I would sure be excited to find them. My sister also set up a tour for me at the Washington State Patrol Crime lab, since assuming that I ever finish my degree that is what I will be doing, and that was the coolest thing ever. We spent the morning in Seattle, the kids
always love the ferry ride, and had lunch and walked around the waterfront before hand. It was really cool to get to talk to someone and actually see the lab and the kinds of things that they get to do. We did end up making 2 visits to
the emergency room while we were there. Life is always so eventful with 5 kids. One day the
boys were throwing rocks into the sound (every boys favorite past time when the tide is up too high to find the crabs) and since Aaric couldn't skip the rocks like Jayson, and he was too old to be content just getting them to make it into the water like Jeremiah, he decided that he could throw his far enough to hit the buoy out there. Well it ended up in the back of Jayson's head instead,
giving him a concussion. Thankfully he was just fine, although he did have a really bad head ache. I guess that the buoys don't really look like they are that far out
there, and it is
perfectly rational to think that you can throw that far when you are 7. Our second trip was
because Elly managed to tip a stool over while reaching for a crayon (she wasn't even standing on it), and she managed to be on top of the stool with her foot underneath her and the stool. We thought that she may have broken her foot, and that the toe
might need stitches, but after a few x-rays and a good cleaning of the toe, which by the way was disgusting, they decided that it
was OK with out stitches, although it is going to be a nice big scar. It sure was a long drive, recently the kids had been asking us why we don't go up to Washington more often, but after the 23
hour drive back to Colorado, they decided that they now understand why we don't make the trip more often. We ended up staying a few days in Colorado before coming back home. It was very difficult to
make ourselves get back in the car and drive the last 7 hours home. Well that about covers everything and than some.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Week

This week we did lots of fun stuff. We took the kids to the funplex a couple of times to go swimming, Gracie had her 1st birthday, and we went up to the mountains and went hiking. We finally had some decent weather to get outside. Most of the time I have been in Colorado we have had stormy weather and hail. It has been nice to be outside. We spent a lot of time at the parks around town. The deployment is almost over!!! Glen gets home on Friday, so we are very excited!!!!