After looking back at my previous blogs, I realized that every single one starts with "So". I guess that about sums up my level of creativity. At least I used a new word this time. This week has been busy, but thinking about it now, I really can't think of anything that I actually did, but these pictures of Jeremiah show how the younger two felt about all of my errands that we ended up running. Hopefully we have every thing we need for Thanksgiving

because if not, oh well. I guess Grandma's quote is appropriate here, "good enough for who its for". So sorry kids and Glen. I really don't have anything to write about this week, so obviously I am just rambling to take up space. I did think that the pictures of Jeremiah were awfully cute though, so hopefully anyone who actually has time to read this will enjoy them if nothing else. Well that about covers it. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!! Maybe I will have something more interesting next week (assuming of course that between all of my cooking and cleaning this week I find time to take a picture or two).