Monday, October 27, 2008

A Date

So we actually got to go on a date, the first one since Jeremiah was born. My kids actually stayed in bed like they were supposed to (of course I did threaten them with trick or treating), we may actually get to do it again sometime. Anyway here is a picture, we went to a Halloween party which was pretty fun, or maybe it was just fun because we had no kids with us. Anyway, here is also a picture of the kids dressed up to trick or treat the zoo. Jeremiah of course didn't want to stand for the picture. We had some more pictures, but Glen dropped his phone in the back of the toilet and than cooked it trying to dry it out, so..... (he'll be so excited I told everyone)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who likes titles anyway

Okay so due to my submission to peer pressure (well I'm not sure it really constitutes as peer since its my mom), I now have a blog. We'll see how well I keep it updated, hopefully better than my myspace (which I haven't updated since Halloween of last year). Any way we are all doing well here, I have had kids home from school every day so far this week. Ashleigh got pink eye and even though she wasn't contagious any more they wouldn't let her back to school until today. She of course was less than thrilled. I have Aaric home today, he isn't feeling well. He actually threw up at school yesterday, I asked him why he didn't tell his teacher and go see the nurse and his answer was well I didn't have to. So anyway he is home today. I guess with a million kids that's the way it goes. I suppose maybe I should add some pictures of my kids since that is why people really want me to have a blog. Oh and Kyler my blogspot name is all for you. This (not so terrific) picture is from the Airshow this summer, it is missing Jeremiah since I was wearing him that day. The kids are sitting in the cargo area of a C5.